terça-feira, maio 24, 2011


when you kissed me
I didn´t see it coming
your thin lips, so soft and warm
shaping themselves around mine

your body
so small and frail looking
clung to mine with a hunger
I couldn´t find words to measure

we started slow
caring, warm and comfortable
but it grew in us
a fire it was hard to tame

we had fun
we had a good time
it wasn´t long though
one of us had to go

hope there´s a future for us
hope you can give me time
to see were it takes us
and maybe,
someday I can call you

2 comentários:

  1. Oi tdb?
    então a gente voltou na sexta no final da tarde, a gente ia sair ai em maringá na quinta a noite, mas ai o pessoal do hotel falou que a cidade é perigosa e tals ai a gente acabou nem saindo, mas na próxima vez que for a maringá combinamos algo :)

  2. oi gostaria de ta te convidando pra conhecer meu blog... Gostei muito do seu...


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